Pimientos rellenos / bajoques farcides (stuffed peppers)

Stuffing the pepper with the rice mix

I absolutely adore stuffed peppers—if Proust had madeleines, I have stuffed peppers.

It’s smelling them and instantly thinking of sunny Sundays and visiting grandparents; chasing the faint scent of the roasted skins all the way from the ground floor through three flights of stairs, across the long corridor leading to the kitchen, and then finally (finally!) digging into the strongly flavoured rice while sitting on a pile of cushions on a chair that was way too low for me… Yummmm!

Continue reading “Pimientos rellenos / bajoques farcides (stuffed peppers)”

Foraging, I: the Christmas tree branch

Foraged tree branch

I was walking on the street on the 21st of December (and yes, I do write way after the fact), reflecting on the fact that the idea of winter solstice was fabulous: after that night, the days would be getting longer, the nights shorter, and eventually the weather would get warmer… and then my eyes noticed a branch on the floor.

I was standing outside a garden/flower shop, so I figured it must have been trimmed off a Christmas tree. And then I remembered what my grandfather used to say:

Lo que a mi casa viene, es porque me conviene.

(“Whatever comes to my house does so because it’s convenient for me”)
Continue reading “Foraging, I: the Christmas tree branch”

RagĂč e polenta

RagĂč e polenta
RagĂč e polenta

? This is a guest post by none other than Devvers! ?

The other Sunday we finally had time to do some slow cooking, and after looking through “Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking” by Marcella Hazan, we decided to make ragĂč and polenta.

For those of you which are not familiar with this book, it is an encyclopaedia of Italian cooking; there is a section talking about ingredients and techniques and every recipe is detailed and precise. It truly is kitchen essential, and definitely worth investing in.

The ragĂč took about four and a half hours to make, so it can’t be rushed. We served the ragĂč on top of the polenta and grated plenty of parmesan cheese on top – delicious!

So, to the recipes: Continue reading “RagĂč e polenta”