Friday, 14/07/2023: Luxembourg sightseeing, then train to Cochem

Mosel and the terraced vineyards, from the train

After walking past it the night before, we visited the Bock itself after breakfast.

It packs a punch; if you like crypts, cannons, views, staircases built in stone and secret passages that lead you down a tall spiral staircase, through a long corridor, up another tall spiral staircase and to an alternative escape route out of the fortress, you should visit too. Well worth the price of admission!

Continue reading “Friday, 14/07/2023: Luxembourg sightseeing, then train to Cochem”

A trip to the Mosel valley

A bunch of grapes from a random house by the Mosel in Cochem, basking in the afternoon sun

“This summer, I’m going to Germany to drink lots of German wines.”

Say that to any random person and you’ll probably get a number of confused looks, if not outright mockery:

  • GERMAN wines?
  • I did not know they made wine out there!
  • Aren’t they sickly sweet?
  • etc…

To be honest, I was one of those people who thought wine couldn’t be made in Germany.

Or rather, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that it was possible!

Continue reading “A trip to the Mosel valley”