Chickpea omelette

This morning, I was wondering what to have for breakfast when I remembered I had a bunch of chickpeas leftover from yesterday’s dish: rice with Swiss chard. And I had an idea: why not have a chickpea omelette?

Like that dish, this is also a very economical dish, and quite easy to make. The hardest skill required is to know how to flip the omelette without breaking it, so I wrote a post explaining how to do that. Continue reading “Chickpea omelette”

Cheese omelette with friends



  • A Gruyere cheese omelette/scrambled eggs hybrid
  • Some bacon strips (already cooked, from M&S)
  • LOTS of rocket and watercress salad
  • Sliced red pepper
  • Dash of olive oil of course

I don’t really think this needs preparation instructions!

I was so hungry after today’s training! The only thing I don’t quite like about the bacon strips is they’re so goddamn salty ?

Halloumi pitta sandwiches

You can’t see it, but there’s halloumi in this [too] ambitious sandwich.
These sandwiches are impossible to eat without making a mess, but they’re really delicious. The first time my partner made them, I requested we had them again the next day! ?

We normally make them as rolls, using tortilla wraps, but today I was feeling innovative and went for pitta breads.


  • Halloumi cheese
  • Cucumber
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce (romaine)
  • Mint leaves
  • Pitta bread or tortilla wraps or similar
  • Olive oil
  • Optional: olives for extra juiciness


Slice the halloumi and fry it in a pan until it takes some colour. Initially it might be quite watery, the colour will start showing up once the water evaporates. Then leave aside.

In parallel, have a veggie washing and slicing party. It should eventually look like this, ready to be assembled in your bread or tortilla:

Captain Obvious says: If you’re using pitta breads, you’ll have to slice them open before you put the ingredients in ✌?

Place the flattest ingredients first: cucumber, halloumi. Then the rest.

Add a little olive oil, and they’re ready to be eaten!

This is such a great combination of amazing flavours. Also, I will use this opportunity to say that halloumi cheese is one of the best things in Earth ??? … possibly one of humankind’s greatest achievements too!