
A jar of home made dukkah

Having this in your kitchen will not literally change your life… but it will be quite close because you’ll want to add it to almost everything!

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Chilli con y sin carne

Image of a sort of chilli con carne

I’ve seen people using “chilli no carne” to describe vegan chilli… and it makes my eyes bleed 😭

What these people need is sin. But not the immoral sort of sin; rather the Spanish preposition sin, which means without.


  • Chilli con carne = chilli with meat ✅
  • Chilli sin carne = chilli without meat ✅
  • Chilli no carne = you go to jail ❌
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Roasted pumpkin (or butternut squash) seeds

Butternut squash seeds on a pan, golden and cooked

Raw pumpkin and butternut squash seeds are quite unpleasant to eat without cooking. They are too chewy and hard to break down when biting on them, and you end up trying to swallow them whole. Not a good idea when they have a bit of a hard edge if they’re half chewed.

But once you cook them, it makes them nicely brittle and crispy, and it also brings out their deliciousness ?

Butternut squash seeds in a dish, with pulp on a small pot
Seeds, just scooped out of the squash
Continue reading “Roasted pumpkin (or butternut squash) seeds”

A trick to flip omelettes without special accessories

I cook a lot of omelettes, and when I add lots of fillings they get hard to flip. I do not have an special accessory to flip omelettes because our kitchen is very small and we have to be selective about gadgets. But the fact is… you can make do without special accessories here. All you need is an additional dish!

  • Set the flat, wide dish aside. Oil it evenly, so it becomes a non-adherent dish. We’ll use it to flip the omelette!
  • When the omelette looks mostly cooked in one side, use a spatula to separate the omelette from the sides of the pan.
  • Lift the pan from the heat, hover it over the oiled dish and quickly flip with a confident wrist movement, it so the top bit is underneath now
  • Lightly oil the pan again.
  • Using the spatula to kindly push if it gets stuck, slide the omelette off the dish and back to the pan.
  • Grab the pan handle, and give it a horizontal shake so the omelette stays flat and contents are nicely distributed. Sometimes they can fold… so carefully unfold the omelette using the spatula. Sometimes it will just be a folded omelette, and it might look ugly in one side, but pretty on the other. So simply serve it with the pretty side up 😀
  • You might need to flip the omelette a couple more times, just make sure it doesn’t get TOO dry

A good trick to ensure it is still moist inside is to cook with a reasonably high heat. So it will seal the outside, but keep the inside a bit moist still. If you cook this on a very low heat, you’ll dry out the whole mixture (and it’ll take forever too). If you cook it on a very high heat, you might end up with a burned omelette. So keep an eye on the temperature.