An improvised Indo-Spanish dinner

Who says you can only use “Indian” spices for Indian food? Definitely not me!

I unleashed my full creativity on the kitchen and I ended up with an omelette, mushrooms and salad.

For the omelette:

  • eggs (obviously)
  • spring onions
  • a small green chilli
  • 1 tablespoon of garam masala
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • a teaspoon of black mustard seeds

For the mushrooms:

  • three garlic cloves
  • cumin seeds
  • rosemary (chopped, dry – definitely would have been nicer if fresh!)

The salad was simply dressed with salt, black pepper and olive oil.

This mix was weird, but in a good way. I suspect this way of preparing the omelette has already invented elsewhere (probably by Persian immigrants to India?), but I had not made it before.

In any case it was really nice to not have to leave the house to get food!

Indian-inspired omelette, Spanish-ish style mushrooms, salad
Indian-inspired omelette, Spanish-ish style mushrooms, salad

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